Act as IF You’re Already Worthy of Everything

Arjuna Maria
7 min readMar 22, 2024


Embody worthiness in your actions. Think worthy, feel worthy.

Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

By Arjuna Maria

Feeling worthy right now with all that you are today, might seem like a delusion. We are taught that to feel worthy, to feel like we deserve something, we have to perform, struggle, work hard. We have this limiting belief that we have to exert a lot of effort in order to feel confident and proud of who we are.

But the truth is, most of our physicality, in which we are already born with are things that just manifested into existence. I want to remind you of the time that you are gestated in your mother’s womb for months, you are taken care of no matter what the circumstances were because you have a purpose to be here in this world. No matter what happened, the moment you were born, up until now, does not really matter. You are here in your own level of consciousness that is trying to be ‘something, or someone’ for another, for an institution, for your parents, for your lover, for your kids — rather than already basking in your existence as being solely your own unique self.

I admit, this world is relational. We are social beings. We rely on each other but that does not lock our worth just because of disapproval and approval of the people around us. People have limited view of what is beautiful, what is worthy and what is not. People are selfish and self-preserving creatures just like animals. In fact, we did not lose that instinctual brain.

However, if we limit ourselves in believing that this world is doomed, then we would lose hope. And hope is what keeps humanity alive. Hope is stronger than love. Hope is akin to strong belief of a positive change. Hope is faith.

Photo by Alysha Rosly on Unsplash

So where can we anchor that feeling of worthiness? First, by feeling abundant. So abundant, that you can finally accept that you can do things which you need to do when you need to do it. By embodying this feeling, guilt is vanished in your reality.

Guilt trap us into unnecessary mind trap and anxiety having ideas of what we should and should not be doing. This moment in time where you are right now is perfectly synchronized to awaken you of the consciousness stream that is within you. You do not have to struggle, you do not have to sweat, you do not have to exert so much effort. You just have to embody and act on the life that is what you have right now and act on the very first thing that gives you excitement the most at the given moment in time. If at work, you are feeling stress, then you have to see the drama that is at play. Nothing really matters. It is all made up. We agreed for this world to be like this, it is just human society’s progress.

You have to be philosophical and ask existential questions, like, why am I really here? Why am I doing this? Why do I need a lot of money or things?

Usually, the end goal of these questions are to be truly utterly — happy, worthy, proud of ourselves, confident and feel so satisfied while you enjoy your life and the experiences of what the physical reality can offer.

So, why not, already feel these feelings and state of being. Why not start to feel happy, to feel worthy, proud and confident of yourself, to already feel so satisfied with your life and the experiences you have? To already feel so blessed with everything that you already have right now and to feel grateful for it?

Just what if?

Then, you will start to realize that most of the things around you, you did not consciously create them. The air around you, the earth, the water, the space that holds the universe together. These are manifestations that support your existence. Everything is made for you to experience this life, to experience joy, to experience pain. You are made to enjoy the sunshine as well as the rain. It is a cycle. We do not have to get mad when it’s raining too much nor when the sun is too hot. We adjust our thinking and feeling accordingly. We are thankful for every encounter, for every existence, for every event that is unfolding in our lives.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Secondly, to feel worthy, we have to learn how to sift and shift our reality to the one that we want. To sift it is to consciously choose the reality that aligns to our worthiness and to us feeling good within ourselves. To sift it is to finally see the whole picture. To see that each person has a whole another reality of feeling worthy, of feeling satisfied and happy. That we cannot enforce our steps for them to take the same journey with us. Some souls have chosen the long path, the adventure, while others are just blissfully enjoying the shortcut by starting to feel good to whatever life throws at them, to whatever others think about them, or whatever the others tell them to do. Others, have truly chosen freedom to be themselves without apologies.

To shift reality, means we are not held by the past. We live each day and each moment as if you are in control of everything. You do not get affected by the experiences that hurt you in the past but you know how to navigate the present in the lens of what do you envision your self to be. Are you a much more calmed and relaxed person? Are you more creative and imaginative? Are you more loving and compassionate? Are you more confident and proud of your self?

We fall into this trap of comparison, and that diminishes our ability to create and re-create ourself into this vision of who we want to be. We lose that drive to DO IT and ACT ON THINGS because we do not feel WORTHY. We do not feel that our WORDS matter, that let alone, our existence MATTERS. This vibration, regurgitate in all aspects of our lives. We start to compare ourselves and feel like, what we have to offer is not UNIQUE. That other people have already done it, so why put an effort still?

However, that is not true. Our creations, even if its a poor imitation let say of something else, of a great work already done, is something new and always original to the eyes of others. No one person has the capacity to judge of what one can or cannot do. Even if its an imitation. Nature mimics everything, everything is an imitation in nature but no one tree, no one sand is the same from the other.

Your feeling is embodied in your work. How it flowed into the physical creation of it, people can feel it, even if some disapproving crowd would say its an imitation. People feel honesty, rawness, soulfulness and that what people wants.

Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash

Lastly, pay attention to the repeating messages that you receive from all sources of your life. From people, from things you watch, from things you are attracted to and usually they present a coherent message. For me these days, I was presented by two messages:

One is that, I was looking for inspiration and to find that. I was given this answer from various sources, from people I talk to or the shows I watch. To have inspiration, you have to have sustained focus attention. Because without it, without momentum with something, you cannot manifest anything in your life. Being scattered will make your attention dispersed and you will not have the energy to do anything.

Second is, this quote ‘ the same water that boils and hardens the egg softens the potato’ which means that its important to know what your true nature is and the ability to determine which circumstances are worthy of your time. It is not about your circumstances or event that defines you, but the abilty to choose who you want to be in these tough times. Sometimes, you are the egg that toughens up and sometimes you become the potato that softens and relaxes, again, it is up to you how you see things. We humans are not defined by one certain characteristic, such as the potato or the egg, we have higher control of ourselves. Amidst our soft shells, we are resilient and tough, but also have the heart to connect and be compassionate.

So, if you act as if you’re already worthy of everything you desire, that you become so satisfied of your life and start enjoying it for what it is. You do not have to dream, or wait, or manifest anything. You cannot complain or compare of what others have that you do not. You cannot make excuses anymore, because you already are what you need to be.

