Being OK with Small Wins

Arjuna Maria
4 min readAug 23, 2023


I do not have great ambitions, like the world feeds to me.. I am OK with what I have right now.

By Arjuna Maria

Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

The world always and will always glorify achievements. I have been there. The feeding of parent’s egos when their child becomes top achiever in school. The love and favor that you feel because you perform well to please them. You are not an individual but an extension, only but a mirror.

What I have learned in my almost a decade of living as an adult is that I have never accepted my worth, just the way I am. I thought that I have always to prove to anyone, especially those close to me and known me all those years that I, too, can achieve everything in the real world. The perfect career, lover, health, and of course massive wealth. But never for a second did I had the time and pleasure to think, WHAT IS IT THAT I REALLY WANT FOR MY LIFE?

The world has become superficial, we only glorify the shiny and sparkly. We forget that amidst all these glory is the dust that lies beneath our feet that covers the surface of what we call ‘life and living.’

Honestly, I am exhausted. I have learned to accept where I am. I learned to accept that I am OK with my small desires and my small wins in life. I am content with my happiness even though, irrelevant to anyone, is what I can call my own. I have found that we are never satisfied even on top of the mountain. There is always another even bigger mountain to climb. The neighbor’s grass and yard always seems bigger and better than ours. We dare to experience what we do not have. And that is OK, what’s not OK is when we are dreaded with those thoughts every single moment that we forgot that we tend to live after the thought of a dream, rather than be rooted in our reality.

Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

My happiness lies in reading books, walking in nature, cooking healthy meals, spending time with my son, and just learning something new everyday. My dream of a life is already realized, I am provided for and can write my train of thoughts. I live in a beautiful town surrounded by nature and animals. The world here seems to be like a little paradise for my soul. I am very lucky indeed.

Author’s Image (Bayern)

I let go of my self. The story of what I think I should be or have in my life right now in order to be happy and contented. I start appreciating what I can and what I have no matter what. I am still alive, this body which is full of senses and full of organisms and organs working together for me are serving me for good.

With every breath, for every breath, I learned to be thankful. Life is not so bad after all, life is just life. It is just what it is. No matter how ironic it is, people and existence are just is. Night is just night and Day is just day. Everything exists for its inherent purpose. We differ from no plants, rocks, or animals, we are here to coexist and to treat each existence with respect and appreciation. No matter how our existence can be a pain, nuisance to each, nor to love, care and be peace for others, in the bigger picture, all works out for the purpose of God. The truth is just something that our mind cannot comprehend, because Truth is illogical and not of this world.

So, just take it easy. You can handle everything that life throws at you, no matter how big or small this challenge is. Do not hold life accountable for your failures, but always see life as a neutral. People are neither good or bad, people are just defined by their experiences, not everyone will be enlightened as you. You must be the example you want to see in people.

