Just, Be. My Message For You.

Arjuna Maria
4 min readJun 13, 2024


If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.” — Yogi Bhajan

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

By Arjuna Maria

Expressing your thoughts is a gateway to see how your mind works. It can be interesting to see how disorganized thoughts can be that pass through the mind, as if we are just replaying dreams and random moments from the past.

I always think of, what really makes sense to talk about? What entices people to be curious about something at all? Is it the reward for something good, like pleasure? Or just a confirmation bias of what they are going through currently?

I believe that people in general are risk-averse. Hence, we have formed mores, social conducts, laws, moral standards up to which the society has come to a sort of equilibrium in order for it to become stable or livable somehow. However, in the root of all this, the brutish nature of man still comes out. Just like the animal species that co-exist within us, we, humans strive to be better, be on top of the game or generally exist with some sort of validation that our existence matter. We put ‘meanings’ into everything we do. Unlike animals, who already know what part they play in the world.

Human beings are creators. A thought passed by my head while opening a plastic bottle of milk, recently, all the plastic bottles here in Germany are made that the cap would still be intact with the bottle. And here I was, thinking, who ever had this idea, and executed it in a nation-wide sense? That’s a lot of power. Our thoughts, our ideas, are literally manifested into people’s lives and has so much effect. And I start to think, everything around me now are just ‘ideas’ before.

Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash

I am just an idea. I was an idea, an energy thought of my parents that came together. I am here because I was nurtured to be here. I was a desire that was needed to be born into this world, for what purpose? I still have yet to figure out. I just know that I am deserving of this life. That I am loved beyond words I could describe. That, I have a place and purpose on this Earth.

I admit, I judge my self too much. I am harsh on my self more than any other being I encounter. Even if I have received praises and accolades before, it really did not sink in to me, my true worth. I don’t want to be known for what I can achieve, I only want to be accepted for who I am.

I only want to be my self, without proving to anyone what I can do or what I can achieve. I want to be loved without proving my worth to be loved. I want to be seen for who I truly am.

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

So, therefore, I write. I express my thoughts in the best way I get pleasure out of. I watch how my mind works and process the things that are important and seems random to me.

I teach by example. I live my life the way I want to. I live my life the way that it purposefully brings me to clarity on which direction I want for my life. Sometimes, I imagine, how it would look like 10, 20 years from now. The quality of my thoughts, words and actions now affect everything that is in my future. Even if I do not know what the future holds, I am excited for its unfolding. I know that I can be happy here right now, and this is the key to a good journey.

So to whoever is reading this right now, please know that nothing really matters in this world, but you. You perceive it all, you experience it all, you make things happen in this world. You play a part in this big orchestra of the universe. Without you, the world is less richer. You matter, because you decided to be here. Enjoy the ride. Find beauty even in bleak experiences. Gather up the strength to wake up every single day, thankful for your healthy body and sound mind. It is a short ride. Make it as joyful as possible.

Just be yourself, and if that fails to, just BE. That is enough.

I love you.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

