The Power of Duality
The very force that governs the world is the power of duality. Existence is a balance of both the positive and the negative.
The concept of duality is nothing new. Many esoteric and religious texts contain this simple yet profound truth that is the metaphysical point of existence. By realizing the duality that exists in everything, we can be able to know what is real and what is illusory.
The duality, of the positive and the negative, the black and white, the yin and yang, is in constant motion. That is the first nature of the power duality in existence. In the everyday scenario of being human, there are two filter paths that we use in order to interpret the experience or the world. The filter path or some called perception or a point-of-view touches the very essence of relativity.
The first filter path of reality is the Negative. This is when a person sees or perceives the experience or the world in a pessimistic, scary, dark and hellish place. This is a perception where the end is always near and where there is always something to be anxious about. This path is also the unconventional path because it deals with the deep hidden desires, unconscious, fears and anxieties. In the Negative Filter Path, a person banks on the past memories of failure and anticipated doom of the future. The person is scared, depressed, lonely and unmotivated. Most of the things become a routine and a pattern. It seems like nothing is new.
The Negative filter path is always present in every human. Without it, it wouldn’t be possible for humans to exist as it became the tools for protection. A deep intuition of being fearful enabled a person to become protective of themselves. In the Negative filter path also, a person is radically forced to change especially when one is on the brink of death and dissolution. It was some people’s way of achieving creative transcendence. That is why we hear many creative artists that have unusual vices or habits or sometimes ultimately consumed by their paranoia and mental prison as the Negative has overpowered their psyche.
On the other spectrum, there is the Positive filter path. This is when a person believes in a hopeful and better future for oneself. It is when a person is always reminded of his past successes in his own measure rather than those of his failures. The person is also optimistic that he will inevitably reach the goal and will continue to be lucky for the future. This path becomes a fanatic of motivation, willpower, trust and belief to something. A person becomes energetic, happy and motivated in this path. Things are new and exciting.
The Positive filter path is also present in every human. This filter path however, is something that can make a person too gullible and too trusting in a future that may never come. This filter is also difficult to get used to or applied in one’s life because the Negative became the inherent reaction to everything. That is the source of the Paradise being Lost. By the moment one has not recognized the beauty of human life experience and the existence, the very nature of it which is love, then negativity hosts the human being. The Positive Filter path brings people to enjoy their human existence however it is also in this path that the temptation to fall into greediness can consume a person. This path without the consciousness of using it, leads to a more hardened ego and a personality that attracts hate from others. These people become power hungry and fanatics.
We must remember that the pendulum of human existence swings on both the positive and the negative filter path. It happens every heartbeat, every breathing of everyday and of every moment that we perceive. The duality is a force that sustains the eternity of life. The truth is, we cannot cling onto one filter path because we are made of both. That means, sometimes it is okay to be unhappy even if everyone feels the opposite. It is just important to know that your filter path operates on a different mode. Also, by being aware of the duality that exists in you, you will start to have a peek of why other people see reality differently.
By transcending the duality and we can ultimately experience true freedom that exists. Know that the understanding and application of this universal power is beyond measure and it is all up to YOU.