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You Don’t Need To Do Anything to be Happy or Loved

Arjuna Maria
4 min readDec 12, 2022


By Arjuna Maria

Your existence is all about desires and the satisfaction of those desires. From your basic needs, to the highest ideals, everything is interconnected and a play of those levels of needs and wants to a various degree. In the metaphysical world , the very conception of you as an existence is about the concept of love. It is not forced, it is when energies collide at a certain moment that an idea of you met with the certain conditions of fruition, and you are nurtured into life, into existence.

So why does the human species like to make things complicated? Why do we want more, desire for more? Why are we unsatisfied with simply existing and to a greater length, why do we want to achieve more? It is because in the image of God’s mind, it is not simple yet it is also ironically, simple. The Source or God as Nothingness is also unequivocally the meaning of 'all possibilities' and therefore, we can see it in civilizations after civilizations the great rise and falls, within its due course time. We can see it simply in a human being in its ever-changing evolution. Always, the question is, what makes one a success and not? And, by how it is measured?

In the end of all the achievements, we only want to feel happy, fulfilled and also be loved for what we have done, for who we are, for what a great human being we are. Nonetheless, these are all but titles, words and the worst expectation we can put upon ourselves.

Our final goal of success that we will be admired and applauded for all our efforts will all be in bitter vain. In the same time, we cannot hold anybody responsible for this failed venture but only ourselves. The moment we start the blame, we hinder the process of healing ourselves and going beyond our gifts and capabilities as a human being. We hinder the possibility of growth.

Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

So what to do now? With the premise of we do not have to do anything in order to be happy, to be loved and to be accepted for who we are, what is there left to do? Or in this case, NOT to do in our lives?

  • Firstly, we must NOT hold expectations of others, nor the world in general. We cannot change them in order to soothe our existence.
  • Secondly, we must NOT allow others to hold our moods and feelings in captive. By reacting to everything and everyone that feels difficult, we ingest this difficulty in our lives. All moods are a state of mind. Any desire to reach the state of happiness is futile.
  • Thirdly, we must NOT have goals of happiness and love. For these are the very manifestations of our being in existence. The more we try to have goals, the more unsatisfied we become.

“The most common formula is, when I have this, then I will be…. an exhaustible list that goes on.”

The more that we let go of our attempts of happiness, of love and being loved, the more we can attune to our true being and the essence of who we are. But is it not letting go another attempt of 'Doing Something’? Sadly, yes and it is.

Photo by Harald Arlander on Unsplash

The point of consciousness is when all the moment of searching meets the path of surrendering. And you must know that you can only surrender when you know you have done your best, you have given it all, in an attempt to be the best human being you can ever conceive to be. All the search has meaning and only when the search is over and you find no gold at the end of the rainbow, you start to appreciate the rainbow, the journey, the rain, the light and the very existence that is possible for your journey to be imagined in the first place.

So, by the very art of allowing, by the very art of existing, by the very art of being grateful just because of everything you have and not needing anything — you find within you the joy, happiness, love, validation, and the will, hope and faith that encourages you to live your life beautifully.

